
How Gaming Companies Are Using AI to Create Smarter NPCs

From where games were filled with pixel blocks, things have improved to the extent that visuals nowadays look almost life-like. But it is not only the appearance that is important, the parts that make up the inside are too. One of the biggest aspects of that is having non-playable characters (NPCs) to interact with.

These are the virtual characters you meet that aren’t controlled by other users, like shopkeepers, enemies, or even allies. For years, many of them followed simple patterns like repeating the same lines or doing the same actions over and over. 

But now, companies use artificial intelligence (AI) to make these characters smarter. At the internet’s best online gaming website Playamo Canada, you’ll have real like-minded players to compete with, so let your ambition blossom there. You don’t need to hold yourself back!

What Makes an NPC Smart?

A smart NPC feels real as they don’t just react in predictable ways, but instead, they respond directly to what’s happening around them. For example, you might notice that:

  • A guard might notice a door left open and start searching for intruders.
  • A shopkeeper might change their attitude toward you based on how you’ve treated them previously.

AI in NPC Behavior

AI helps NPCs act more like real people. Instead of being programmed with fixed actions, they can learn and adapt. Here are some ways their behavior is getting more and more realistic:

  1. Dynamic Reactions: AI allows NPCs to analyze what’s happening and respond differently each time. Enemies can learn your fighting style now, so if you always attack from the same direction, they might block or dodge more effectively.
  2. Improved Conversations: Gone are the days of hearing the same line 20 times. Now, they can generate life-like dialogue based on the situation. The Elder Scrolls and Cyberpunk 2077 are starting to use AI-driven conversations to make interactions feel more natural.
  3. Emotions and Relationships: Now they can remember how you’ve treated them and change their behavior accordingly. Like in Red Dead Redemption 2, side characters react differently depending on whether you’ve been kind or aggressive.
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Developers’ Tools

Gaming companies use different AI tools to create smarter NPCs. Here are a few:

  • Machine Learning This allows non-playables to learn over time so developers don’t have to program every detail. Instead, they figure things out based on patterns. In strategy games, enemies can now learn how to counter their tactics.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) NLP helps NPCs understand and respond to text or voice commands, which is especially useful in role-playing games where users want deeper conversations.
  • Procedural Generation With AI, NPCs can generate unique actions, dialogues, or even quests, making every playthrough feel different.

Famous Examples 

Many titles are already using such features. Here are a few examples:

  • Shadow of Mordor / Shadow of War: These games introduced the Nemesis System. Enemies remember your actions, and if you’re strong enough to defeat them, but don’t end up killing them, they might come back stronger, holding a grudge and even more powerful. They learn to pick up on your patterns and counter them the next time as well. The good thing is, if you triumph a second time, you get better loot and more experience points. Plus, you’ve already learned their weaknesses from the first two fights and have enough intel to win. 
  • The Last of Us Part II: Enemies in this game feel incredibly lifelike and even call each other by name, search for you in groups, and react with fear or anger.
  • Starfield: This new game uses AI to make NPCs feel more alive in a massive open-world setting with unique routines, personalities, and dialogue options.
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